On 21/03/2011, at 19:51 , Noli Sicad wrote:

> Hi,
> There are a lot of How do I do that in QGIS  in GIS  Stack Exchange.
> 57 questions and answers in QGIS. Some have screenshots.
> For example,
> How to return raster values based on polygon (shapefile) boundaries in QGIS?
> http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/7479/how-to-return-raster-values-based-on-polygon-shapefile-boundaries-in-qgis
> http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/qgis

Hi Noli,

I've dropped the second link into the User's Corner.

From a very, very quick glance, that also looks a like a place to scan though 
for feature requests.

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