I ask as i am making my own set of rules/standards for the CommonMap
API (which works the same as OpenStreetMap) accept the licence of the
data is ccBY, instead of ccBYsa/Odbl.

So the source datasets begin with Natural Earth, GeoBase (Canada),
CanVec (Canada), TIGER (USA), LINZ (New Zealand) etc.  and building a
set of standards, which are 'inspired' by mapnik/cyclemap.

Are their any 'favorate' well known datasets which have a good set of
features that you (qgis Community) would like to see incorporated into
the CommonMap Features rendering schema?


On 4/8/11, Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net> wrote:
>  It would make sense for very well-known datasets with a fixed
>  structure. Potential candidates are national survey datasets that are
>  widely used or OpenStreetMap data.
>  In my case, the rendering rules are very specific to my own data
>  structure. It wouldn't make sense to share them.
>  Andreas
>  On Fri, 8 Apr 2011 05:37:52 -0700, Sam Vekemans wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is their a list somewhere which shows all of the rendering rules
>> which
>> people are using (the beginings of a standards system)?
>> Thanks,
>> Sam
>> On 4/8/11, Martin Dobias <wonder...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Andreas Neumann
>>> <a.neum...@carto.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am trying to better understand the rule based renderer.
>>>> Which version is correct?
>>>> a) QGIS is rendering all features of the first rule, then the
>>>> second rule,
>>>> etc, Features of the first rule are rendered first, features of the
>>>> second
>>>> rule on top of features from the first rule
>>>> b) QGIS is rendering each feature on by one and decides which rule
>>>> applies.
>>>> I hope it is not version b), I hoped it behaves like version a) but
>>>> it
>>>> behaves a bit odd with my data. For my data it seems like the order
>>>> of the
>>>> rule has no influence on the rendering order ;-(
>>> Hi Andreas
>>> the rule based renderer uses the b) option: it goes through the
>>> features one by one and applies all matching rules (in the order in
>>> which they appear). Mayeul Kaufmann has done some work in order to
>>> support option a) by implementing support for symbol levels so that
>>> the rendering order can be overridden.
>>> My ultimate goal is to only support the option a) in a way how SLD
>>> specifies it: rules are grouped and these groups are rendered one
>>> after each other.
>>> Regards
>>> Martin
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> --
>  --
>  Andreas Neumann
>  Böschacherstrasse 10A
>  8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)
>  Switzerland

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