On 04/08/2011 06:38 PM, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:

subbu sravan wrote:
Good afternoon everyone,
                                     I am  creating data bank for
Dindigul (Tamilnadu) on OSM so that i can  download the data through OSM
plugin in qgis.The geographical extensions of my Study area are 10° 22'
   11° 25'  latitude
                       78° 00'  76° 46' longitude
When try to download the data of these extensions Qgis won't except the
extensions. If some body knows how download the my study area data
please help me

Hi Subbu,

I don't think this is qgis related.
The plugin just uses other tools to download data from osm-api server.

If I convert your bounding box to decimal degrees:

78.7667 11.4167 10.3667 78.00

I get the following message from the plugin:

Download failed: Download process failed. OpenStreetMap server response:
Bad Request - The maximum bbox size is 0.25, and your request was too
large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm.

It's just that the OSM server does not want to provide al this data via
the osm-api

You can either get small boxes of 0.25x0.25 degrees but it is easier te
get a data set from mirrors like:


there are a lot of other mirrors for that:

Additionally, you can directly download areas larger than 0.5X0.5 degrees from the xapi interface, explained here:


Richard Duivenvoorde
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