On 05/20/2011 12:31 PM, Frank Sokolic wrote:

Hi all,
When creating attributes for new vector layers the Type drop-down list shows three options: Text data, Whole number, Decimal number. However, the attributes list displays these as String, Integer and Real. I have found that new users of QGIS find this slightly confusing. Could I offer two possible suggestions? 1. In the Type drop-down list rather show the options as: Text data (String), Whole number (Integer), Decimal number (Real). In this way users familiar with either nomenclature can understand what type of atribute is being created. 2. Another option would be to standardise both the drop-down list and the atributes list so that they use either one or the other nomenclature.
I prefer option 1. Any thoughts?

I've also seen new users confused by this.

+1 for your suggestion #1

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