Messaggio di posta certificata

Il giorno 01/06/2011 alle ore 19:36:26 (+0200) il messaggio
"Installing QGIS: severe error" e' stato inviato da ""
indirizzato a:

Il messaggio originale e' incluso in allegato.

Identificativo messaggio:

L'allegato daticert.xml contiene informazioni di servizio sulla trasmissione.


Legalmail certified email message

On 2011-06-01 at 19:36:26 (+0200) the message "Installing QGIS: severe error" 
was sent by "" 
and addressed to:

The original message is attached with the name postacert.eml or Installing 
QGIS: severe error.

Message ID:

The daticert.xml attachment contains service information on the transmission.

Attachment: daticert.xml
Description: XML document

--- Begin Message ---

I installed the QGIS on a first PC. It was all Ok.

I tried to  install the QGIS on a second PC. I was very trouble.

Here are the most "interesting" aspects:


-          the OS is the same on both the PC: Windows XP

-          the message that coming out is the follow: <<impossible to try
the ordinale 3873 on the dynamic linking to library LIBEAY32.dll>>


In other word when the installing processing is finished and I try to type
double click, coming out the message error over described.


Have you got any idea to resolve the problem?



--- End Message ---

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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