Hi maning

Am 22.07.2011 13:59, schrieb maning sambale:
1.  Connect to the postgis db and load a layer (i.e. pg_layer ).
2. Prepare the loaded layer for versioning.  This creates a new layer
(i.e. pg_layer_version)
3. Convert the pg_layer_version to offline spatialite db
4. Edit the offline version.
6. Connect to the pg db.
7. Synchronize the offline spatialite.  The changes are merged into
the pg_layer_version.
8. Commit changes from the pg_layer_version to the main pg_layer.

Is this the correct workflow?  I managed to test a few commits and it
seems to work.

Yes this is the correct workflow and of course it works ;-)

All offline stuff you mentioned should be sent to the offline editing maintainer.

I'm looking forward for your comments.


Dr. Horst Düster
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