Hi list, 
I am looking after a simple method to deploy some custom python plugins on 
several servers inside our company network. 

As I understand it, today we have 3 solutions:
 1- copy the plugins in C:\Program Files\Quantum GIS 
Wroclaw\apps\qgis\python\plugins of each server. We need to disturb our admin 
sys for this.
 2-  copy the plugins in each personnal user directory of these server: I 
prefer the first method... and my admin sys too
 3- create a repository and let the users install and update plugins 
themselves.. They won't do the job I'm afraid.

Ideally, we would like to put the plugins on a single shared network directory. 
Is there a way to have qgis look in it? No symbolic link on windows xp as far 
as I know. 
Can we use the searchPathsForPlugins registry key 
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\QuantumGIS\QGIS\Plugins] for this ? We tried some 
unsuccessful tests with it. 

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