Thanks for your response Giovanni.

OK, now I have the on-the-fly re-projection checkbox enabled in the project

I should mentioned that I am on the OSEGeo4w Windows nightly build version
of QGIS.

One thing I did notice when the options panel on-the-fly re-projection is
enabled is that the
the vectors appear now in in WGS84 with the lat/lon's I now recognized. But,
when I add
an Openlayer Google Satellite Hybrid plugin layer my WGS84  -90.15628,
32.43978 lon/lat display
at the bottom of QGIS turns into -10036151.0, 3821178.0 based on based on
google's EPSG: 900913.

I have never noticed the change in the lon/lat from -90.15628, 32.43978 to
-10036151.0, 3821178.0
before when re-projecting with the Openlayer Plugin.

Am I just missing something here?



On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:49 AM, G. Allegri <> wrote:

> Do you have enabled on-the-fly reprojection inside the options panel?
> giovanni
> Inviato da dispositivo mobile
> Il giorno 12/ott/2011 00.14, "Lenny Sorey" <> ha scritto:
>> Sorry, I failed to mentioned the version of QGIS that I am on.
>> It is 1.8.0-104 nightly build version.
>> Thanks Again,
>> Lenny
>> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Lenny Sorey <> wrote:
>>> Sorry for the lengthy email.
>>> Got a question about changing the projection for the following to WGS84:
>>> I received shapefiles info for my neighborhood but the projection is in
>>> NAD_1983_StatePlane_Mississippi_West_FIPS_2302_Feet (NAD83 / Mississippi
>>> West (ftUS in QGIS)
>>> In my project settings I have WSG84 set as the default projection as well
>>> as layer units set to Decimal Degrees.
>>> For some reason unknown to me, it does not appear that the projection is
>>> displaying in WGS84.
>>> From the Properties MetaData Tab, the following displays:
>>> In layer spatial reference system units : xMin,yMin 2349376.08,1066253.54
>>> : xMax,yMax 2353354.03,1070858.08
>>> Layer Spatial Reference System: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84
>>> +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs
>>> From the Coordinate windows at the bottom of QGIS canvas, the lat/lon
>>> displays as the following:
>>> 2351256, 1069360
>>> When normally it displays in WGS84 as
>>> -90.155924, 32.439683
>>> How do I go about changing to a WGS84 projection display and save those
>>> changes to the attributes.
>>> The following is a MetaData Extraction from the my Shapefiles.
>>> PROJCS[&quot;NAD_1983_StatePlane_Mississippi_West_FIPS_2302_Feet&quot;
>>> ,GEOGCS[&quot;GCS_North_American_1983&quot;
>>> ,DATUM[&quot;D_North_American_1983&quot;
>>> ,SPHEROID[&quot;GRS_1980&quot;,6378137.0,298.257222101]]
>>> ,PRIMEM[&quot;Greenwich&quot;,0.0]
>>> ,UNIT[&quot;Degree&quot;,0.0174532925199433]]
>>> ,PROJECTION[&quot;Transverse_Mercator&quot;]
>>> ,PARAMETER[&quot;False_Easting&quot;,2296583.333333333]
>>> ,PARAMETER[&quot;False_Northing&quot;,0.0]
>>> ,PARAMETER[&quot;Central_Meridian&quot;,-90.33333333333333]
>>> ,PARAMETER[&quot;Scale_Factor&quot;,0.99995]
>>> ,PARAMETER[&quot;Latitude_Of_Origin&quot;,29.5]
>>> ,UNIT[&quot;Foot_US&quot;,0.3048006096012192]
>>> ,AUTHORITY[&quot;EPSG&quot;,2255]]
>>> </WKT>
>>> <XOrigin>-16151000</XOrigin>
>>> <YOrigin>-43523900</YOrigin>
>>> <XYScale>137248168.13086346</XYScale>
>>> <ZOrigin>-100000</ZOrigin>
>>> <ZScale>10000</ZScale>
>>> <MOrigin>-100000</MOrigin>
>>> <MScale>10000</MScale>
>>> <XYTolerance>0.0032808333333333335</XYTolerance>
>>> <ZTolerance>0.001</ZTolerance>
>>> <MTolerance>0.001</MTolerance>
>>> <HighPrecision>true</HighPrecision>
>>> <WKID>2255</WKID>
>>> </ProjectedCoordinateSystem>
>>> ***********************************************************************************
>>> spdom
>>> bounding
>>> westbc - -90.450396
>>> eastbc - -89.728383
>>> northbc - 32.886527
>>> southbc - 32.398196
>>> ********************************************************************************************
>>> Ibounding
>>> leftbc - 2260647.213986
>>> rightbc - 2482295.893382
>>> bottombc - 1054664.469330
>>> topbc - 1231806.672290
>>> **********************************************************************************************
>>> GeoBndBox
>>> westBL - 2260647.213986
>>> eastBL - 2482295.893382
>>> northBL - 1231806.67229
>>> southBL - 1054664.46933
>>> exTypeCode
>>> ************************************************************************************************
>>> geoBox
>>> westBL - -90.450396
>>> eastBL - -89.728383
>>> northBL - 32.886527
>>> southBL - 32.398196
>>> ***************************************************************************************************
>>> Thanks in advance for your help on this request or could someone point me
>>> to some a QGIS example that would help.
>>> Regards,
>>> Lenny
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