Hi there,
i tried really everything, but the grass plugin really gives me a hard time.
First i used a fresh osgeo4w installer advanced:
loading a layer is fine when not using advanced options, doing stuff like v.clean.bpol makes grass and qgis freeze in 80% of the time, mostly reporting that it can't delete a hist-file or other problems.
Uninstalled everything and used the desktop version: same problems
Unistalled that completely and used the standalone version: no luck
I'm really desperate now. I have to clean up lots of messy polygons drawn by someone with google earth, and the grass plugin for me is the only way to solve that.

Any ideas what might cause that problem on Win7? It seams to me that Grass is somehow not fully allowed to write/delete stuff there. This happens to me on 2 different Win7 64bit machines, so i assume i can't be the only one facing these problems!

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