I have no good reason to say this other than a niggling suspicion[1] but, yes I 
think it can.

[1] We occasionally have problems with the georeferencer, where it tries to 
rotate an image that shouldn't need to be. It's rare enough that I haven't been 
able to track it down properly, but this is on my suspect list.

On 26/10/2011, at 06:18 , G. Allegri wrote:

> Sure Baren, this was just an exercise ;)
> I wanted to test regeoreferencing a raster and compare manual georeferencing 
> against reprojection.
> I'm wondering if manually regeoreferencing an already georeferenced raster 
> can break things...
> Inviato da dispositivo mobile
> Il giorno 25/ott/2011 22.43, "Barend Köbben" <kob...@itc.nl> ha scritto:
> Hi Giovanni,
> I don't understand: you want to change a projected raster (in CRS 3003) to
> another projection (23023), so why do you need the georeferencing plugin?
> The data is already referenced, so it sounds to me you just want to
> re-project it, using the Raster > Warp menu.
> Or am I missing something...?
> Yours,
> --
> Barend Köbben (Senior Lecturer)
> ITC - University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information
> Science and Earth Observation
> PO Box 217, 7500AE Enschede (The Netherlands)
> +31-(0)53 4874 253
> On 25-10-11 21:23, "G. Allegri" <gioha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Thanks for the reply.My raster infos are:
> >
> >PROJCS["Monte Mario / Italy zone 1",
> >    GEOGCS["Monte Mario",
> >        DATUM["Monte_Mario",
> >            SPHEROID["International 1924",6378388,297.0000000000014,
> >                AUTHORITY["EPSG","7022"]],
> >            AUTHORITY["EPSG","6265"]],
> >        PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
> >        UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
> >        AUTHORITY["EPSG","4265"]],
> >    PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],
> >    PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],
> >    PARAMETER["central_meridian",9],
> >    PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],
> >    PARAMETER["false_easting",1500000],
> >    PARAMETER["false_northing",0],
> >    UNIT["metre",1,
> >        AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],
> >    AUTHORITY["EPSG","3003"]]
> >Origin = (1554747.231034494200000,4924790.769999999600000)
> >Pixel Size = (100.000000000000000,-100.000000000000000)
> >Metadata:
> >Image Structure Metadata:
> >Corner Coordinates:
> >Upper Left  ( 1554747.231, 4924790.770) (  9d41'17.95"E, 44d28'24.73"N)
> >Lower Left  ( 1554747.231, 4678290.770) (  9d39'49.22"E, 42d15'14.92"N)
> >Upper Right ( 1771747.231, 4924790.770) ( 12d24'49.32"E, 44d25'28.44"N)
> >Lower Right ( 1771747.231, 4678290.770) ( 12d17'30.22"E, 42d12'31.70"N)
> >Center      ( 1663247.231, 4801540.770) ( 11d 0'50.84"E, 43d20'53.55"N)
> >Band 1 Block=2170x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
> >  Min=-3.876 Max=2051.503
> >  Minimum=-3.876, Maximum=2051.503, Mean=152.789, StdDev=265.873
> >  NoData Value=0
> >  Metadata:
> >    STATISTICS_MINIMUM=-3.8761155605316
> >    STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=2051.5034179688
> >    STATISTICS_MEAN=152.78946158147
> >    STATISTICS_STDDEV=265.87340110007
> >
> >
> >As you can see the CRS is correctly defined, and the other metadata are
> >correct.
> >OTFR works fine, the raster is correctly reprojected on the 23032
> >reference.
> >No tfw or aux files in the same folder....
> >
> >It's making me crazy!
> >giovanni
> >
> >
> >2011/10/25 Richard Duivenvoorde <rdmaili...@duif.net>
> >
> >On 2011-10-25 19:04, G. Allegri wrote:
> >> Here it is the GCP list picture: http://bit.ly/suh5UL
> >> (I wonder why ths srcY coordinates are shown as negative values)
> >
> >
> >What is projection of your raster, is it really epsg:3003 (to be tested
> >with 'gdalinfo yourraster'.)
> >
> >Is there maybe a tfw file hanging around which determines another extent
> >four your source raster? If seen this behaviour recently while using the
> >plugin.
> >
> >Try to set your tiff aside from other files, create a fresh epsg:23032
> >project with 'on the fly' and try again?
> >
> >Hope this helps.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Richard Duivenvoorde
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
> University of Twente
> Chamber of Commerce: 501305360000
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