
I am using QGIS for a while and have being more or less lucky with bug
issues, but this time I don't understand alone how to fix it.
I was using QGIS 1.7 since its release under Linux/Ubuntu 11.04, now
that I have just upgraded to the new distribution of Ubuntu (11.10), I
get the following error message while QGIS loads, and after it has
finished loading, I can't access the plugin installer (only plugin
manager and already installed plugins).

You may help me if you would know in which direction I could look to handle it.

Thanks you
Florent Beck

Here the error message: (as I got it in french I'll translate french
parts into english within brackets after each line)
Error message : >>>
Impossible de charger PyQGIS. [Can't load PyQGIS.]
Le support python va être désactivé. [Python support will be desabled
(or deactivated ?).]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in
RuntimeError: the PyQt4.QtCore module is version 1 but the qgis.core
module requires version -1

Version de Python : [Python's version :]
2.7.2+ (default, Oct  4 2011, 20:29:37)
[GCC 4.6.1]

Version de QGIS :  [QGIS's version :]
1.7.1-Wroclaw 'Wroclaw', exported

Chemin vers Python : [Path to Python :]

<<< END of the error message.
Thanks in advance for each kind of help.
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