Hamish wrote:
> > I am trying to get Anne's home range plugin working on the
> > OSGeo Live 5.0 DVD (xubuntu 11.04) after an 'apt-get update'.

(now with latest qgis 1.7.2 from ubuntuGIS's ppa)

> > [...]
> > Warning message:
> > In getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib) :
> >   package 'gcplib' is not available (for R version 2.14.0)

Anne wrote:
> It is there, though:
> http://cran.stat.auckland.ac.nz/src/contrib/gpclib_1.5-1.tar.gz
> look for the tiny typo in the package name... :)

d'oh! apparently Ground Control Points have invaded my brain.
ok, with correct spelling the cran package installs ok.

> Let me know if HR plugin will work!

now on to the next trouble, I can enable the manageR plugin, but not
find Home Range amongst the list of plugins to fetch or manage.

argh -> Segmentation fault when I click on the "R" in the qgis toolbar.
shouldn't have upgraded.
By starting QGIS with an empty LD_LIBRARY_PATH the manageR plugin
works again. (running /usr/bin/qgis.bin directly)
Also it works if I run it through gdb, so no backtrace.
Actually now it works if I run the "qgis" wrapper script direct from
the command line. ?!  oh well. (I did move away old 1.7.0 ~/.qgis/ and
~/.config/ files)
oh well, manageR is working again now, so moving on.

within manageR I can do
 > library(adehabitat)
 > help(squirrel)
etc. all seems ok.

But where is the Home Range plugin? I can't find it on the list.

QGIS -> Plugins menu -> Fetch python plugins ...
[connects to server, brings up a list of 20-30 plugins, all installed
except for 'Zoom to Point']
filtering on "home" results in 0 hits.
the repository I'm connected to is pyqgis.org/repo/official


related to the move to hub.qgis.org? (!?)

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