
On Fri, 2011-12-30 at 19:25 +0000, Richard Plant wrote:
> After a couple of years away from QGIS, I decided to update the
> tutorial on my website,
> http://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/plant/qgislabs.htm. I didn’t get
> far before I encountered what seems to be a bug. In Lab 2, which deals
> with projections, the reader uses the GRASS function v.proj to change
> a projection. This function reprojects a GRASS vector layer from a
> different mapset into the current mapset. In QGIS version 0.8, on
> which the lab is based, the user typed the input layer name into the
> function window, but in the current version the user must select the
> layer, requiring that the input mapset be loaded, rather than the
> output mapset. Therefore the layer gets created in the input mapset,
> meaning that its projection doesn’t change. As I said, I have been
> “out of the loop” for a couple of years, so maybe this has already
> come up and there is a known way to deal with it. If so, I apologize.
> Can anyone enlighten me?

it seems you are right, the GUI of the module needs to be fixed. I'll
file a ticket.


-- Giovanni --

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