
I've been thinking about something similar, using XAMPP.  Would need to add in 
POSTGIS, Mapserver (and/or the new QGIS Server) and QGIS. 

I'm interested in setting up a package like this for the same sort of things, 
data collection in the field.  I've been working with PostGIS for the last 
couple of months, and find it very sable, and have discovered some interesting 
capabilities during my configuration related to syncing databases, etc. 

Problem id, I don't have any one customer pleading for the this capability at 
the moment.  So I would need to steal away time to develop a proof of concept.  
 Do you have any possible funding for something like this? 


>>> Nathan Woodrow <> wrote:

Hi all, 

I'm currently looking at building a data collection program based on QGIS. One 
of the requirements is that it must have an offline datastore with syncing to 
the server on demand/timed. 

I have tried the Offline editing plugin but it's not quite what I was looking 
for. More looking for something that you press once and it syncs all the 
changes from upstream and downstream but leaves the project offline. The 
offline plugin currently returns the project to a online state when used and 
recreates the database when going offline again. 

Does anyone know of anything I can use with PostGIS? I have been looking at 
Postgres replication but it's looking like a real pain in the neck to setup. 


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