Hi Piotr,
Well, i'm glad to see that you are able to use the plugin. The GDAL driver has some performance issues. The solution is use the overviews and tiling scheme to improved raster display.

I've just read in the GDAL site that the mosaic inside a table is not allowed yet. But another workaround is to create a virtual mosaic using VRT and then import it to the database. This way the loader treats every file as a single raster and will tile everything together.

I hope these solutions help you achieve your goals.
All the best,
Ps.: I'm copying to qgis user since these solutions might be of interest for other users.

Mauricio C. M. de Paulo
Engenheiro Cartógrafo
Mestrando em Sensoriamento Remoto (INPE)

On 04/09/2012 07:41 PM, Piotr Pachół wrote:
Yes, I would like to load many rasters.
It's for me important because rasters should cover the area of region or district.

But I made 2 tests loading to PostGIS one raster and two rasters.

With one raster your plugin works OK.
Both options 'read one row as a raster' and  'read one table as raster'
are working good although displaying raster is very time consuming.

With two rasters only option 'read one row as a raster' work OK.
I can display each tile from first and second raster.
But option 'read one table as raster' doesn't work.
The message appear: ' could not load PG ...'


W dniu 2012-04-07 00:16, Mauricio de Paulo pisze:
You used *.tif on your loading command. Are there more than 1 raster file in that path? I don't know if GDAL's driver is able to read properly more than one raster file in a table. The last time i checked it was not possible, but I still have to catch up with their development. You could try loading a single raster and check if it works. That might be the problem.
All the best

Mauricio C. M. de Paulo
Engenheiro Cartógrafo
Mestrando em Sensoriamento Remoto (INPE)

On 04/06/2012 05:54 PM, Piotr Pachół wrote:
I loaded raster to PostGIS executing following commands:

raster2pgsql -s 2180 -I -C -M "my path/*.tif" -F -t 128x128 public.raster128na128 > file1.sql
psql -d raster -f file1.sql

raster - name of my database
raster128na128 - table in database raster

loading was OK but as I wrote before I can display only tile of raster but not all raster extent

W dniu 2012-04-06 19:39, Mauricio de Paulo pisze:
Hi Piotr,
Could you please give me any information on what parameters you set while loading the raster file to postgis? I had to disable the loader for a while since the python loader was discontinued by postgis. I'm still researching on how to reactivate it as it is a desired feature.
All the best,
Mauricio C. M. de Paulo
Engenheiro Cartógrafo
Mestrando em Sensoriamento Remoto (INPE)

On 04/06/2012 10:08 AM, Piotr Pachół wrote:
Could you please help me with below described problem ?

Question was sent to qgis-user forum : http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-user/2012-April/016499.html
but I don't know if you check it so I am mailing directly to you.


------ Wiadomość oryginalna ------
Temat:  Load PostGIS Raster Plugin
Data:   Wed, 04 Apr 2012 22:32:29 +0200
Nadawca:        Piotr Pachół <piotrpac...@gmail.com>
Adresat:        qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org

I have problems with Load PostGIS Raster Plugin ver. 0.5.3:

1. Icon/function  'Load Raster to PostGIS' is not active. What should I
do to make it active ?
2. In icon/function 'Add a PostGIS Raster' Layer I can't load/view
raster (in full extent) when I use option 'read one table as raster'
     The message appear: ' could not load PG ...'
     Option 'read one row as a raster' works OK but I can view only one
tile of raster.
     May be I used bad options during loading raster files with
raster2pgsql command ?
     I loaded raster to PostGIS with following options:
     raster2pgsql -s 2180 -I -C -M "my path/*.tif" -F -t 128x128

My configuration:
Windows XP, Qgis 1.9.90-107, PostGIS 2.0

Any ideas?

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