Thank you Alex. This worked half. I need to move the decimal place 2 places
(X100). I only can move it one (x10). The problem is that I get a very long
scale bar otherwise. Or it displays 528 instead of 5280 (feet per mile). I
guess I may have to wait for a fix. In the meanwhile I will use 100 feet as
Nice to know I found a bug. 
Thanks again for your quick response

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alex Mandel
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] map scale

On 05/08/2012 12:40 PM, Jake Maier wrote:
> Please I'm having a hard time with the scale in print manager.
> I use UTM as datum but would like to print my maps in Miles and feet.
> I changed the /settings/options/map tools to feet, but that did not 
> change anything in the print master
> There I tried 1609.344 in the segment size but I would need 0.3048 in 
> the units per bar unit and I can only define 2 decimal places here and 
> therefore I get 5364.48 feet as the scale display.
> I'm not sure if I'm describing my problem very clear, but in short I'd 
> like to use NAD83/UTM zone 19N as CRS but feet and miles for the scale 
> bar. How can I best do that.
> Who could please help me with this.
> Thanks
> Jake

I think you've found a bug in the decimal limit. As a workaround I think you
can move everything over a decimal place (so x10) and then adjust the
segment size/number of units per segment to come out to what you want.


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