I can highly recommend using spatialite databases! (postgis seems to be THE solution for all professionals, but spatialite has the charms that even noobs can do it!)

QGIS handles "big" datasets from shape files quite inefficient and a lot of actions just lead to a frozen application.
The same is valid for exporting data i fear.

I found a workaround that is a bit complicated, but is much faster and more reliable than trying to do it with the core mechanisms.

1. create a spatialite database and import your shape:
For this i use the spatialite-gui.exe (http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/). Its faster and more reliable than the Qspatialite-plugin! With the Qspatialite-plugin, connect to the database-file and load your table as a layer into qgis.

2. Now you can do whatever you want with your attributes. Changes are saved directly into the sqlite database.

3. Export your data:
In the spatialite-gui, right click on your table and export the data to txt, csv, dbf etc etc

Before i'm able to use postgis in the future, i will for sure use spatialite for all my qgis-work, cause it saved me hours of pain and mostly did what i wanted (and i didn't even discover more than the obvious functionalities yet)

Bernd Vogelgesang * Siedlerstrasse 2 * 91083 Baiersdorf * +49-9133-825374
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