
Am 29.06.12 09:28, schrieb Alexander Bruy:

The only thing that does not work as expected:
All text with non-ASCII-characters (e.g. ä ö ü) is broken.
Fisrt of all this is known issue and it is not QGIS bug, but GDAL one.
See http://hub.qgis.org/issues/5255,

It lokks as if Qgis and GDAL are not talking properly to each other ;-)

Also your solution will work only in some cases, when shapefiles are
in UTF-8 encoding.

That was more or less standard with Qgis 1.7.4. So most end-users are stuck with UTF-8 shapefiles now displayed broken, creating new shapefiles with wrong encoding and may not find the solution in the russion blogpost mentioned in the issue #5255:

I hoped this issue would be setteled for the "stable" version 1.8.0.

So if you use in one project shapefiles with different
encodings this will not work.

The other solution would be a seperate .cpg file along with the .shp. But I didnt test it, and I dont know what is chosen if environment variable and .cpg have different values.

Also this will not work if shapefile encoding
not supported by GDAL recoding method.

Ok, then you are lost after all, but you would not get those cases from proper working older qgis projects anyway.

Andre Joost

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