On Jul 21, 2012, at 4:14 AM, Agustin Lobo wrote:

> Hi!
> I've installed qgis 1.8 on Mac OS 10.7.4 from
> http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/qgis
> including all dependencies mentioned there (with grass), but some
> plugins (i.e. Profile Tool)
> and Value Tool (most important for me) complain about PyQt4 and Qwt5.
PyQwt is not compatible with the latest PyQt (which is needed to run on 10.7), 
and as far as I could find probably never will be.  So I don't bundle it with 
QGIS, and plugin developer need to figure out an alternative graphing toolbox 
to use.

> Also, some plugins such as statis complain about not having matplotlib despite
> it is installed.
How did you install matplotlib?

> Finally, I always get a crash at quitting Qgis, which generates a lon
> report that
> I've uploaded here:
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3180464/aloboMacOSqgis18report.txt
Don't know about this one.

> Any help with these problems?
> Thanks
> Agus
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William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"We are at war with them. Neither in hatred nor revenge and with no particular 
pleasure I shall kill every ___ I can until the war is over. That is my duty."

"Don't you even hate 'em?"

"What good would it do if I did? If all the many millions of people of the 
allied nations devoted an entire year exclusively to hating the ____ it 
wouldn't kill one ___ nor shorten the war one day."

<Ha, ha> "And it might give 'em all stomach ulcers."

- Tarzan, on war

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