I have a mix of Linux (typically Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit) and (typically XP or 
Win7) on which I use QGIS 1.8 connected to Postgres/PostGIS (8.4 or 9.1 for 
PostgreSQL and 1.5 for PostGIS).  When possible, I pull the PostGIS layers from 
the same host, but I add SHP/WMS/OpenLayers from a variety of sources depending 
on what I'm working on.  My OpenLayers plugin (0.93) was installed by adding a 
repository after it disappeared from the "standard" list after the QGIS 1.8 

Recently I observed that my PostGIS layers were not matching well with the 
layers added via the OpenLayers plugin.  I'm accustomed to seeing small 
discrepancies that I usually disregard, but this appeared as a constant shift 
between the underlying image layer and my vector layer(s).  By accident I 
discovered that this occurs on my Linux desktop and not Windows boxes.  I've 
tried starting from scratch and following the same steps on the Linux desktop 
and then a Windows desktop, and I can repeat this.

In my tests I've also confirmed that saving a selection as a new shape file 
with a different projection produces a different result on the Windows and 
Linux boxes.  The layers that I'm trying to overlay are ESPG:2240. 

I'm curious to know if anyone else has observed this.  Thanks for any help you 
can provide!
Jeffrey Durrence
McLean Engineering Company
Qgis-user mailing list

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