On 17 Sep 2012, at 20:37 , Micha Silver wrote:

> Hi Julian:
> On 17/09/2012 13:22, Julian Bogdani wrote:
>> On 17 Sep 2012, at 12:04 , Micha Silver wrote:
>>> On 17/09/2012 11:07, Julian Bogdani wrote:
>>>> Hi Josef
>>>> and thank you for your reply. I am actually using Qspatialite plugin to 
>>>> manage my spatialite layers. I checked the metadata of my database and my 
>>>> geometry column is of type MULTISTRING.
>>> Probably should be MULTILINESTRING ??
>> Sorry MULTISTRING is a typo!  My column's type is MULTILINESTRING.
>>>> I use Qspatialite to transform shapefiles in spatialite and the other way, 
>>>> but I'm not sure how to use it to copy only some feature from a shapefile 
>>>> to a spatialite table. I think I have to upload it to the spatialite 
>>>> archive and then use sql to copy data from one table to another.
>>> As Josef mentioned, it's quite easy once you get the hang of it. A 
>>> statement like:
>>> INSERT INTO <target table> ( <target_col1>, <target_col2>,...)
>>> SELECT <source_colA>, <source_colB>
>>> FROM <source_table>
>>> WHERE <condition>;
>>> will copy selected features from one table to another.
>> So, to sum up a possible work flow could be the following:
>> 1) Use Qspatiaite to migrate all tables in a spatialite db
>> 2) Write down the sql query to copy features from one table to another
>> 3) Eventually delete the source table, if not needed
> First, don't ignore the option (in spatialite-gui) to connect to a "Virtual 
> shapefile". If you only need to copy some features into a spatialite table, 
> this is a good way to proceed. After copying the features, you can DROP the 
> virtual table.

Thank you Micha,
It seems I have to better study Spatialite :)
Just one more question: spatialite-qui is the same thing as QspatiaLite plugin? 
If so I'm not able to find this feature :(

>> Point 2 makes me think: is there a sql statement to get  only selected rows? 
>> I don't think so because selection is a QGIS feature and SQL statements just 
>> involves origin tables, am I wrong?. In some case it's not possible to get 
>> the features you need by SQL statements, but just by selecting them on map.I 
>> think about arbitrary selections, not depending on regular patterns 
>> (attributes).
> Regarding the arbitrary selection, if you need to *visually* select some 
> features, then migrate them to spatialite, I don't see any way to do this 
> automatically.  The only idea that comes to mind is, after selecting the 
> features, add a new attribute column with some value that identifies those 
> features, then connect to the shapefile (virtual shapefile in spatialite), 
> and to the INSERT INTO...SELECT FROM...WHERE... as above.
> Hopefully soon the ogr2ogr driver in QGIS will be improved to allow "Save 
> as..." directly to an existing spatialite database. Currently when you use 
> "Save as..." or "Save selection as..." the target sqlite database is 
> *overwritten*. The command line ogr2ogr has the '-append' and '-nln' (new 
> layer name) parameters to migrate i.e. a shapefile to an existing spatialite 
> DB. But it doesn't seem to be available yet in QGIS :-(
> Micha
>> Or the solution might be to import into spatialite only the features I need. 
>> So in point 1 I would have:
>> 1a) select features to copy using map view in qgis
>> 1b) migrate only selected features to spatialite
>> Do you think reporting this copy/paste problem as subject for further 
>> enhancement could be useful, at least as far as it concerns spatialite?
>> Thank you
>>>> I'm afraid this is not so user-friendly, and my colleagues can hardly 
>>>> handle data in this way. Maybe actually it's better to continue using 
>>>> shapefiles as feature containers and wait until spatialite becomes a 
>>>> little bit more handily.
>>>> -----
>>>> Julian Bogdani
>>>> jbogd...@gmail.com <mailto:jbogd...@gmail.com> <mailto:jbogd...@gmail.com>
>>>> http://bradypus.net
>>>> On 17 Sep 2012, at 2:01 , Josef K wrote:
>>>>> Hi Julian
>>>>> I guess your problem is related to geometry types 
>>>>> (http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite-2.4.0-4/spatialite-cookbook/html/new-geom.html).
>>>>>  Try to define your spatialite geometries as multipoint, multilinestring 
>>>>> and multipolygons. Then they will be more compatible with shapefiles and 
>>>>> you may copy/paste in qgis.
>>>>> Although I would recommend that you tried using spatialite-gui (or 
>>>>> perahaps qspatialite) instead. By those tools you can temporarily upload 
>>>>> the shapefile to your database file and then use sql syntax 'insert into 
>>>>> ... select ... ' the features you want into your db tables. Using sql 
>>>>> syntax will give you more control of fields, data types etc.
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Josef
>>>>>   Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2012 11:53:30 +0200
>>>>>   From: Julian Bogdani <jbogd...@gmail.com <mailto:jbogd...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> <mailto:jbogd...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>   To: qgis-user <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org 
>>>>> <mailto:qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org>
>>>>>   <mailto:qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org>>
>>>>>   Subject: [Qgis-user] Copy / paste features to spatialite generates
>>>>>           error
>>>>>   Message-ID: <a7512d49-0f85-4cb5-a3d2-85da4919e...@gmail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:a7512d49-0f85-4cb5-a3d2-85da4919e...@gmail.com>
>>>>>   <mailto:a7512d49-0f85-4cb5-a3d2-85da4919e...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>>>>   Hello all,
>>>>>   I've tried to add to an existing spatialite layer some features
>>>>>   from another layer.
>>>>>   The existing layer is a simple shapefile: I selected the features
>>>>>   I wanted to copy and pasted to the spatialite layer. Everything
>>>>>   was working file until I tried to save the changes. The following
>>>>>   error appears:
>>>>>   Could not commit changes to layer Plan_gen
>>>>>   Errors: ERROR: 903 feature(s) not added.
>>>>>   Provider errors:
>>>>>   SQLite error: Plan_gen.Geometry violates Geometry constraint
>>>>>   [geom-type or SRID not allowed]
>>>>>   SQL: INSERT INTO "Plan_gen"("PKUID","Geometry","Layer","area")
>>>>>   VALUES (NULL,GeomFromWKB(?, 32634),?,?)
>>>>>   it states it might be a problem of geometry type or a SRID
>>>>>   problem. All layers are in the same CRS (EPSG:32634), and all
>>>>>   features, in both layers, are of type polyline.
>>>>>   Is it a spatialite bug? a qgis bug? or Am I missing anything?
>>>>>   I've had this issue with other data before. The solution I
>>>>>   adopted to work around this was:
>>>>>   1) save the spatialite layer as shapefile
>>>>>   2) paste data into the newly created shapefile
>>>>>   3) delete the spatialite table
>>>>>   4) load in the spatialite DB the shapefile
>>>>>   This works, but it is too tricky for everyday use. I tried to
>>>>>   convert all my shapefiles to spatialite, but the limitation
>>>>>   spatilite still have in data structure manipulation
>>>>>   (adding/removing/renaming fields, etc, a sqlite limit in fact)
>>>>>   and now in content editing make me think that that was not a good
>>>>>   idea. I can not switch this archives to postGIS yet, because of
>>>>>   the actual work-flow organization of the project.
>>>>>   Any help or advice will be appreciated!
>>>>>   -----
>>>>>   Julian Bogdani
>>>>> jbogd...@gmail.com <mailto:jbogd...@gmail.com> <mailto:jbogd...@gmail.com>
>>>>> http://bradypus.net <http://bradypus.net/>
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