I can transform gpx file from a GPS (WSG84) to an old swedisch CSR
EPSG:3021 (RT90 2,5 gon V metric coordinate system)) shape file, but I
whant to let the program transform on the fly.

 I know that year 1999 Silicon graphic had it on there 'super coomputers'
and GIS-softwate, and I also see that QGIS have under menue:
*Settings-->Options-->CRS*-tab have an option to check 'on the fly
reprojection' in option.

Under options-->CRS can you define default project CRS and defaut CRS to
what your add in layers, but If you have a lot of old files with diffenent
CRS it could be errors. Now Sweden is in transition from RT90 to SweRef99
(very near WSG84)

Is it possible to add vector files with other CRS, or even rasters to a
project without transform it?

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