Am 24.09.2012 14:36, schrieb Sylvia Preuß:

how can I create a *.ui file with qt-designer? I want to create a new
object with attributes and would like to use my own form to insert
the attributes.

C:\Programme\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\apps\Python27\sip\PyQt4\QtDesigner
is installed. But I don’t know how to get it started.

No, that won't help you. You need the qt4-dev package from the osgeo4w-setup-Installation. It will not harm your standalone Qgis Wroclaw Installation.

Once installed you will find designer.exe in C:\Osgeo4w\bin.
To make the ui usable in qgis, you have to use the same field names as in your data.

Here are some blogs about designing ui:

André Joost

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