On 2012-11-06, at 6:42 PM, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:

> Hi Mats,
> On Tue, 06. Nov 2012 at 22:58:22 +0100, Mats Elfström wrote:
>>   I realize that I will be flamed for this, but as I am very fond of Open
>>   Source and QGIS, I am saddened by the disregard for the majority of
>>   computer users, many of whom do not even have the option to choose their
>>   operating system.
> IMHO preparing free packages for Linux, OSX, Android and even icky Windows and
> giving free support for them can hardly be called "disregard" (eventhough
> through old-school channels).

Mats, you say you are fond of open source, but you seem to truly not understand 
the real-world dynamics of open source software development.  To think that 
most of the development done on QGIS is directed by funding, is to completely 
misunderstand the voluntary efforts you rely on for having QGIS available to 
you.  And to suggest that someone deliberately chose to neglect windows is 
quite uncharitable.  Can more be done?  Always!  But let's help make it happen 
in whatever ways we all can!  

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