Hi Jan,

Am 12.11.2012 16:04, schrieb Jan Tappenbeck:
hi !

i had to create a image-cataog by using the gdalindex-command

after using the command i get following message:

Warning : xxxx/BP_030.TIF is not using the same projection system as
other files in the tileindex. This may cause problems when using it in
MapServer for example.

---- here are the image informations ----

***** BP_030.TIF*****

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: XXXX/BP_030.TIF
Size is 2645, 3326
Coordinate System is `'

This is breaking. You have to set a Coordinate system for the tif. Should be the same as the others. In Qgis, Ratser->Projektionen->Projektion zuweisen will do.

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