As Alex suggested, converting to a v3 spatialite db was easy with the
spatialite_convert tool.

It's described on this page:

And the command I issued was:
cp spatialite.sqlite spatialite_v3.sqlite
spatialite_convert -d spatialite_v3.sqlite -v 3

Which output:
SQLite version:
SpatiaLite version: 4.0.0

DB 'aban_wells_v3.sqlite'
converting from Version=4 to Version=3
        * converted: spatial_ref_sys
        * converted: geometry_columns
        * converted: virts_geometry_columns
        * converted: views_geometry_columns
        * converted: SpatialIndex
        * converted: triggers
        * converted: Extra-Stuff
        * converted: MetaData views
        DB-file succesfully converted !!!

And now both QGIS and spatialite_gis can load those layers from the DB.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Donovan Cameron <> wrote:
> I've been browsing the spec files for the qgis and spatialite packages
> from the GEO openSUSE repo.
> QGIS isn't actually requiring spatialite, like you said, it's built in.
> It's actually part of the requirements for spatialite-gui which
> explains why your suggestion of downgrading that package would work.
> The spec file for that contains:
> BuildRequires:  libspatialite-devel >= 4
> I'll post a bug/enhancement request for the spatialite-gui package and
> see where it goes...
> On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Donovan Cameron <> wrote:
>> PostgreSQL Client Version 9.1.1
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