Am 18.03.2013 19:57, schrieb Lee:
In general, the error messages are generated upon launch of QGIS. I cannot
even get to a point where I have the option of installing plugins. There is
no option to "fetch python plugins."

Yes, this is a follow.up to the missing python package.

Try this:
Open Ubuntu software center
Edit -> Software package sources
"Other Software" tab
There should be two entries for ubuntugis-unstable (and nothing from ubuntugis-stable)
close the window

click on "AllSoftware", and enter qt4 in the search field
You should have installed python-qt4 4.9.1-2ubuntu1
If not, you should do it manually.

click on the dropdown box next to "All Software", and select ubuntugis-unstable. You should have QGIS, and a note that 177 files are hidden. Click on that link. You should get a list of all packages from ubuntugis, including python-qgis. Clicking on that, you should get information on the version python-qgis 1.8.0-1~precise3, and if it is installed or not.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

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