Dear all

As you may know, FOSSGIS 2013, 12.-14. June, is the largest german speaking
event around Free and Open Source Geographic Information Systems, open data
and OpenStreetMap. For the first time it's taking place outside Germany at
the University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil (HSR) - purportedly the
most beautiful campus in Switzerland!

We expect up to 400 participants at the lakeside, counting already over 26
sponsors! The opening event is now ready to be published besides the 60
talks and 17 workshops:

* Stefan Keller, HSR: host organisator's words
* Hermann Mettler, HSR: Greetings from the headmaster
* Erich Zoller, Rapperswil-Jona: Greetings from the mayor
* Emmanuel Belo, CampToCamp: Webmapping Trends (keynote gold sponsor)
* Marc Wick, Freie Geonamen (keynote)
* Simon Poole, OSMF+SOSM: OpenStreetMap (keynote)
* Then: Lightning Talks Session

Follow us on @fossgis2013 and reserve a place at this inspiring event!
Expect also a well paced social event at a farmhouse nearby which will be
all ours!


* FOSSGIS 2013 - die Konferenz für Open Source GIS mit OpenData und
  erstmals in der Schweiz! 12.-14. Juni, HSR, Rapperswil,
* Want to do something useful while playing? Play Kort and collect free
geospatial data! (web app written for iPhone/iPad/Chrome
browser/Android, no Firefox)
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