Using qgis 1.8 on Fedora 18.

I have a spatialite db with pointz values in a table.  I can display the table in qgis without problems.  If I define a query I get results in the Result view but if I try to Load the query to qgis to visualize it nothing happens.  No error message no views?  Just for grins I installed Qspatialite and tried the same thing.  Still no results but at least there was an error message :<)  The error is about aliasing the geometry field correctly which didn't help but at least there was some feedback.  Then I noticed that in QSpatialite in the Result window I could right click on a result and either save to text or send to qgis.  When I tried to send it to qgis I got the error incorrect Geometry POINTZ!  So I added casttoxy to my query and it works! :<)

I tried a bunch of google queries but never got anything on this so is this fixed in the latest or should a bug be submitted?


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