
Thanks for this suggestion!  I've seen this plugin mentioned previously but 
have not had the time to experiment with it.  I'll try it out. 


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephane Goldstein" <>
> To: "Jeffrey Durrence" <>, 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 4:04:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or alternate 
> technique?
> Hi.
> Maybe the MultiEdit plugin can save you some time.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jeffrey Durrence
> Sent: 05/14/13 08:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or alternate
> technique?
> Hi,
> One of my most frequent needs is to visually identify and select
> groups of vector objects and assign attribute values to these
> groups.  Here's my typical work flow...
> 1.  Select multiple items (point and click multiple, polygon,
> rectangle, etc)
> 2.  Go to layer attribute table
> 3.  Select field calculator
> 4.  Within field calculator, choose "only update selected features"
> and "update existing field."  Enter the value and apply.
> 5.  Close the attribute layer (if I don't take this step, I spend
> lots of time waiting on the attribute table's display to update with
> my new attribute values).
> 6.  Save the layer
> 7.  Return to step 1
> I could save myself a good bit of time if there was a direct shortcut
> to the field calculator from the main qgis display.  The only reason
> that I'm opening the attribute table now is to reveal the shortcut
> to the field calculator.
> Is there a way to start this tool from the main qgis window without
> opening the attribute table?  I've looked around, but I can't find a
> way to do this.
> Thanks for your help,
> Jeffrey
> My platform...
> Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit,
> QGIS version: 1.8.0-Lisboa
> QGIS code revision: exported
> Compiled against: Qt4.8.1
> Running against Qt 4.8.1
> Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
> Running against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
> GEOS Version 3.3.3
> PostgreSQL Client Version 9.1.6
> SpatiaLite Version 3.1.0-RC2
> QWT Version 5.2.2
> --
> Jeffrey Durrence
> McLean Engineering Company
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