Andreas -
As others on the list has mentioned, QGIS or rather, the underlying
GDAL/OGR library has some issues with recognition of certain CRS
definitions for Tab - files. In your specific case is it the EPGS:25832.
Try to look at the Layer CRS defintion of the tab file opened in QGIS .
It probably contains a PROJ4 CRS like this:
+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,-0,-0,-0,0 +units=m +no_defs
the "towgs84" parameter list contains several "minus zero" parameters.
This is an error in GDAL/OGR. It has been corrected in GDAL ver 1.10 (I
reported it to GDAL several months ago).
This error means, that QGIS 1.8 (which use a earlier version of
GDAL/OGR) will assign a "custom CRS" definition for the new layer when
it opens a tab-file with the EPGS:25832 CRS.
My hope is that QGIS 2.0 will use the latest GDAL library.
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 21-05-2013 09:37, Fischer, Andreas skrev:
Recognition of SRS in MapInfo-Files
Dear QGIS-Community,
I'm preparing to get used QGIS 1.8 with Windows Vista/7.
Since I do have to work with MapInfo-Professional as well and
sometimesusersstill have to transformon-the-fly from DHDN/GK3
(EPSG:31467) to ETRS89/UTM, Zone 32N (EPSG:25832) using NTv2
BETA2007.gsb there are some special issues.
First I changed EPSG-definition in QGIS. I replaced +towgs84 parameter
with +nadgrid parameter and +wktext in srs.db and
.\share\proj\epsg(+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80
+nadgrids=/path/BETA2007.gsb +wktext+units=m +no_defs). After I
deleted the SRS definition in .\share\gdal\pcs.csv everything works
fine. As soon as the SRS is recognized properly the transformation is
well done on the fly.Sousersdon't have to do anything to get the data
displayed in EPSG 25832with BETA2007. Fine to get to this point ...
... unfortunately Ido work with MapInfo TAB-files and the SRS is not
recognized as I expect. Every time I open a MapInfo TAB/MIFfile in
EPSG 31467or EPSG 25832QGIS doesn't matchtheequivalent build inSRS.
Insteadin caseofEPSG 31467a user defined SRS is build that makes use
of +towgs84 parameter again. So every time I do have to assign the
proper SRS to that layer (EPSG 31467) first.After
thaton-the-fly-transformation does work immediately.In caseofEPSG
25832 the automatically defined SRS does have exactly the same
parameters as the build in definition ofQGIS. Anyway it doesn't match
to EPSG 25832.
Why can't QGIS recognizetheSRS in MapInfo TAB-files?How does the
assignment of the SRS work?I assume that the user defined
parametersthat are used automaticallyare defined in some configuration
file. Maybe there is a possibility to change these settings.It would
be great to open a MapInfo-File in EPSG 31467 or in EPSG 25832andQGIS
does recognizethe SRSby itselfand match to the proper build in SRS!
I will be glad to hear from you!
Best regards
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