Yes, and, in any case, the difference is very large, not just as if
only the datum were the
problem. It really look as if the raster were not reprojected at all.
I'm going to test on another linux machine before filling a ticket.

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Andre Joost <> wrote:
> Am 24.05.2013 14:43, schrieb Agustin Lobo:
>> I've reprojected a geotif file form ED50 UTM31N (epsg: 23031) to
>> another geotif in Google Pseudomercator (epsg: 3857) using gdaltranslate
>> within qgis.
>> Surprisingly, the new file does not get to its correct position when using
>> reprojection on th fly in a project in ED50 UTM31N (epsg: 23031), but
>> this happens on linux only, it works fine (same external disk, same
>> project)
>> on MacOSX.
>> qgis 1.8 in both cases.
> Have you checked that both QGIS versions use the same +towgs84 parametrers
> for EPSG:23031?
> Here, it is +towgs84=-87,-98,-121,0,0,0,0
> Greetings,
> André Joost
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