I have to manage products. Some are georeferenced, some aren't.
I have the same actions to do on these products.

For all others, it seems to work.
That's why I am worried about this functionality.

So there is not a way to do that in qgis ?
It does not seem to be difficult to do.
Just to add the height if the image to the y coordinates the clipper got ?


On 06/04/2013 12:34 PM, Werner Macho wrote:

Well to be honest .. I would "clip" non georeferenced data in gimp .. There you have plenty of options to mask and cut/clip your non georeferenced images ..
Unless you have a specific reason to do that in QGIS ..

kind regards

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Alexia Mondot <alexia.mon...@c-s.fr <mailto:alexia.mon...@c-s.fr>> wrote:


    I've add to QGIS non georeferenced data. It is added in 0,0, north
    up, south down. So the y is negative.
    When I tried to extract a part of my data with the clipper, I get
    an error :

    Error: Computed -srcwin 266 -145 175 -126 has negative width
    and/or height.

    Computed -srcwin falls outside raster size of 156x144.

    I understand that it is because the coordinate y is negative and
    the tool can't match it with the real coordinate.
    Is there a way to clip a non georeferenced data ?

    Thanks by advance,

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