
I like to try to use the qgis-server for publish an our bigger and more
important set of about 30 layers with a really complex rendering and using
the SVG as simbology.

I'm study-ing the option available in qgis-server for publish this complex

I see the qgis-server allow to define a group as a set of layers.
This is complain to the wms specs.
That allow to call a groups.
The inspire specs will define the named-group in the wms setting. This is a
more powerful choice infact it allow the user to call the group using its
Instead of list every layer in the group.

But I don't seem how to set the interval of usability for a named-group.

Without this option a group is callable at every scale .
And this is not a good choice almost in more complex situation.

Is this really a miss or I'm don't understand how to set the scale for a

Many thx,

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
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