Hi Marcel,

If the GetCapabilities command is answering it means that at least parts
of the QGIS server is running ok.

The WMS server supports the following commands:


The GetCapabilities is always at the start of a session or connection to
get the service metadata.

In your case it looks like a CRS issue. You should make sure that in
your new empty test project you specify the same projection as in the
Alaska sample project. There are reprojection options - but for a start
it is easier if server and client are in the same projection. It will
also be faster if no reprojection has to be done.

Once QGIS works fine as a client, you can go on and configure QGIS web
client. Before, it makes no sense and you should first fix the server.


Am 10.07.2013 16:34, schrieb Marcel Stadelmann:
> Hello Andreas,
> I try to do the Alaska example described in the QGIS Documentation, chapter 
> QGIS Server 
> (http://docs.qgis.org/1.8/html/de/docs/user_manual/working_with_ogc/ogc_server_support.html).
> The problem is, that this example is for Linux. On OSX some things seem to be 
> a bit different, especially the paths. I saved the project file with the new 
> project settings in  /Library/WebServer/Documents/alaska.qgs.  
> In order to test if my QGIS server is running ok, I did two tests:
> 1. In Safari I put the following url:
> http://localhost/qgis-mapserv/qgis_mapserv.fcgi?map=/Library/WebServer/Documents/alaska.qgs&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
> the browser answers with the following message:
> WMS  Test test text/xml image/jpeg image/png image/png; mode=16bit image/png; 
> mode=8bit image/png; mode=1bit text/plain text/html text/xml image/jpeg 
> image/png text/xml svg png pdf text/xml 
> alaska  -179.843 178.454 48.0545 72.2621
> I thought this means the server is running. No map is shown because I still 
> haven't installed the QGIS client. So far so good.
> 2. In QGIS I wanted to add a WMS-Layer. I connected to the localhost with the 
> following url:
> http://localhost/qgis-mapserv/qgis_mapserv.fcgi?
> It shows up 1 layer with ID 0 and name wfslayer, but nothing more. When I 
> select this layer, it is not possible to import it. It says: Kein gemeinsames 
> KBS für gewählte Layer. So, I don't know if my QGIS Server is running ok.
> Marcel
> Am 10.07.2013 um 14:34 schrieb Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net>:
>> Marcel,
>> Do you mean the layers don't appear in QGIS or in QGIS web client? This
>> is an important distinction.
>> The first means that QGIS server is not installed and configured
>> correctly, the other means that QGIS server is running ok and you have a
>> web client configuration problem.
>> I know - the getting started it is a bit hard, esp. if you are on OSX or
>> Windows where there are fewer users. Most existing users install and run
>> QGIS server on Linux.
>> Andreas
>> Am 09.07.2013 19:21, schrieb Marcel Stadelmann:
>>> Sorry, I don't get it. 
>>> I can connect form QGIS Desktop as a WMS-Client to QGIS Server, but the 
>>> Layers don't appear.
>>> Does somebody know a step by step instruction how to configure a simple 
>>> example on OSX?
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Marcel
>>> Am 09.07.2013 um 18:11 schrieb Bernhard Ströbl <bernhard.stro...@jena.de>:
>>>> anywhere you like and Apache can access them (on a Linux system file 
>>>> permissions must match, I put them in a subdirectory of /srv/www)
>>>> Bernhard
>>>> Am 09.07.2013 17:59, schrieb Marcel Stadelmann:
>>>>> Where can I see the path to QGIS WMS Server directory? I don't know
>>>>> where to save the *.qgs files, so that the QGIS server can find it.
>>>>> Thanks and regards,
>>>>> Marcel
>>>>> Am 09.07.2013 um 16:36 schrieb Marcel Stadelmann
>>>>> <marcel.stadelm...@gmx.net <mailto:marcel.stadelm...@gmx.net>>:
>>>>>> Hi Bernhard,
>>>>>> Thanks for the answers.
>>>>>> Am 09.07.2013 um 15:20 schrieb Bernhard Ströbl
>>>>>> <bernhard.stro...@jena.de <mailto:bernhard.stro...@jena.de>>:
>>>>>>> Hi Marcel,
>>>>>>> the way to call your QGIS server is something like:
>>>>>>> http://localhost/qgis-mapserv/qgis_mapserv.fcgi?map=<path_to_your_map>/yourmap.qgs?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3
>>>>>>> <http://localhost/qgis-mapserv/qgis_mapserv.fcgi?map=%3Cpath_to_your_map%3E/yourmap.qgs?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3>
>>>>>>> to get the server's capabilites
>>>>>>> be sure to know the possible requests a WMS server can reply to, see
>>>>>>> e.g. [1]
>>>>>>> The client accesses the server and not vice versa.
>>>>>> Ok, I think I understand the philosophy.
>>>>>>> Steps to do:
>>>>>>> 1) Install QGIS server (done)
>>>>>>> 2) Feed QGIS server with a qgis project (*.qgs file)
>>>>>> I saved a QGIS test project with wms capabilites under
>>>>>> /Users/Marcello/Downloads/test/alaska.qgs
>>>>>> The reply of
>>>>>> http://localhost/qgis-mapserv/qgis_mapserv.fcgi?map=/Users/Marcello/Downloads/test/alaska.qgs&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
>>>>>> <http://localhost/qgis-mapserv/qgis_mapserv.fcgi?map=/Users/Marcello/Downloads/test/alaska.qgs&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities>
>>>>>> in Safari is:
>>>>>> Configuration file problem : perhaps you left off the .qgs extension?
>>>>>> Does the project path need special permissions?
>>>>>>> 3) access QGIS server from a WMS client (e.g. QGIS desktop) to verify
>>>>>>> it is running and delivers maps.
>>>>>> Isn't it easier to test this with Safari? In QGIS I tried to load the
>>>>>> alaska layer through "add wms-layer". But i couldn't connect to my
>>>>>> localhost. I don't know what url exactly is needed. I tried with
>>>>>> http://localhost/Users/Marcello/Downloads/test/alaska.qgs but its not
>>>>>> working. The message was:
>>>>>> Antwort nicht verstanden. Der wms-Provider sagte:
>>>>>> Eigenschaften-Abfrage gescheitert: Error downloading
>>>>>> http://localhost/Users/Marcello/Downloads/test/alaska.qgs?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
>>>>>> <http://localhost/Users/Marcello/Downloads/test/alaska.qgs?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities>
>>>>>> - server replied: Not Found
>>>>>>> 4) install and configure QWC, see [2]
>>>>>> Where are this kind of projects normally saved in OSX? I think the QWC
>>>>>> files needs to be saved in the project file (in my case under
>>>>>> /Users/Marcello/Downloads/test)?
>>>>>>> Bernhard
>>>>>>> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Map_Service
>>>>>>> [2]https://github.com/qgis/qgis-web-client
>>>>>>> Am 09.07.2013 13:24, schrieb Marcel Stadelmann:
>>>>>>>> Hi Bernhard,
>>>>>>>> Thank you for answering. On my Mac the Apache server works. The QGIS
>>>>>>>> Server is installed according the Tutorial
>>>>>>>> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/wiki/QGIS_Server_Tutorial. It
>>>>>>>> also seems to work. When I open the link
>>>>>>>> http://localhost/qgis-mapserv/qgis_mapserv.fcgi? I get the following
>>>>>>>> message from Safari: Please check the value of the REQUEST parameter.
>>>>>>>> Now I try to configure and publish a simple QGIS project. But I don't
>>>>>>>> know where to put the files. I also don't understand how the QGIS 
>>>>>>>> Server
>>>>>>>> finds the path to the Web Client, because at the moment I have the
>>>>>>>> qgis-web-client folder in /Users/Marcello/Downloads.
>>>>>>>> Marcel
>>>>>>>> Am 09.07.2013 um 12:52 schrieb Bernhard Ströbl
>>>>>>>> <bernhard.stro...@jena.de <mailto:bernhard.stro...@jena.de>
>>>>>>>> <mailto:bernhard.stro...@jena.de>>:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Marcel,
>>>>>>>>> I am sorry, I do not really understand your question, so I explain
>>>>>>>>> some things, maybe you can reformulate your question and people with
>>>>>>>>> Mac OSX knowledge can help you then.
>>>>>>>>> qgis-web-client (QWC) is a JavaScript program to be run in a browser.
>>>>>>>>> To deliver QWC to the browser of your clients you need a web server
>>>>>>>>> (e.g. Apache). You can put QWC whereeever your web server can access
>>>>>>>>> it. QWC needs QGIS Server (a WMS server), normally you would run QGIS
>>>>>>>>> server on the same machine.
>>>>>>>>> Bernhard
>>>>>>>>> Am 09.07.2013 11:18, schrieb Marcel Stadelmann:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I try to install the qgis-web-client on a Mac OSX 10.8.4. But I don't
>>>>>>>>>> understand where exactly I have to put it? I think the
>>>>>>>>>> "/home/web/qgis-web-client" path is not for OSX?
>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Marcel
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