Am I confused?

Just updated to the latest master build this morning and I was working on
styling some OpenStreetMap data and it was only applying styles to the
values in the Categorised list for the column selected in the drop-down …
for example highway, waterway etc … so if I had styles applied to the
values of "stream" and "river" and then changed the drop-down to "highways"
to add more classifications for footways, roads etc then the waterway
styles wouldn't apply.

Whilst the fundamental design of the Styles dialog hasn't changed I'm sure
that this behaviour is new … that previously the column drop-down wasn't a
setting, it was just a precursor to further classifications.

That said, I'm a novice user and I haven't touched QGIS in a month so it
could just be my memory or that I've never tried to style both waterways
and tracks in the one OSM polyline layer …


Nathanael Boehm

UX designer specialising in business web & mobile apps <>

Canberra, Australia
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