
Welcome to the QGIS project, Xiluo!

>I am fined at C++ programing as well as Python programing

Do you have a certain area of interest / module where you would like to join the development?

As Werner described, the way to start contributing to the codebase is by creating a fork on github and sending pull requests.

If you are developing a new function, it is usually a good idea to discuss it on the qgis-developer mailing list first to get some feedback. A list of responsible developers for the different parts of the codebase can be found here: http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/wiki/Project_Organigram#Code-Maintainers

If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask.


Am 28.08.2013 17:22, schrieb ??:
I am a senior student majoring in Remote Sensing Science & Technology in China University of Geoscience (CUG for shorted) in Hubei,China, and I have been learning and developing QGIS for a while. Noting that there is still no Chinese version of QGIS yet,I think maybe i can make some contribution to doing its translation into Chinese. I am fined at C++ programing as well as Python programing,and I have taken GIS courses for almost two years thus i have enough fundamental knowledge about GIS and Remote Sensing. Absolutely,I am not mailing this for fun and wasting both my and your time,i have got a lot from Open Source,and hope for joing it and make some contribution for it. For example,i have translated lots of strings in QGIS into Chinese for my work a nd shared the qgis_zh_CN.qm on the internet,and also,i have totally translated SEXTANTE,the famous qgis plugin,into Chinese and added some of my own algorithms,which was shared out on the internet too. So,if there is anywhere that i can help to popularize QGIS in China,please mail me back and let me konw.
       Hope for your reply!


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Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Sourcepole -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
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