Am 03.09.2013 18:09, schrieb image:
Hello thank you for your reply.

Actually i have to define a projection in qgis with several parameters
(deltax,y,z, rotx,y,z and delta scale).

I entered this SCR in qgis :

+proj=utm +zone=32 +south +a=6378249.2 +b=6356515
+towgs84=-178.3,5.278,-316.7,6.077,-131.5,10.979,19.166 +units=m +no_defs

But when i reproject my data with this SCR, there is no transformation.

1/Can you confirm that those parameters must be entered in this order :
DeltaX, RotX, DelatY, Roty, Deltaz,rotz,Deltascale?

No, first the deltas, then the rot, and scale last. But have a look at the unit of the rot's. According to the manpage:

they are in seconds of arc, and have inverted sign compared to the official data EPSG publishes.

André Joost

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