On Wed, 18 Sep 2013 15:17:37 -0700
Alex Mandel <tech_...@wildintellect.com> wrote:

> The absolute simplest way is to use the Delimited Text import of a
> csv.
> Depending on what kind of database you have though, I might suggest
> you simply convert it to spatialite or postgis. Then you can create a
> line layer by hand or by query, if by hand using the Edit snapping
> tools. There's also some plugins Like Points2One (I think that's the
> name) that can take a shared attribute and make lines based on that
> from points.
> As for the OpenStreetMap background, use the Openlayers plugin to pull
> tiles automatically for background as you work.
> Enjoy,
> Alex

Alex, thank you very much for your reply! Yes, I will defenitely enjoy
working with QGIS!

Cheers from Budapest.


Levente Kovacs

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