Hi All,
So, I finally figured it out by going back hooking up the old machine
again. Turns out it was partly user-error (nothing new there then :-) ) and
partly a documentation issue.

The following work:

Database: This needs to be the SERVICE_NAME (i.e. TNS_NAME). I was using
the SID. The help says the SID is valid, but it's not - I get the ORA-12514
if I enter a SID.

Host: This can be either the IP or DNS name. I was using the TNS_NAME. But
even when I tried the IP, it wasn't working because I was trying the SID as

Similar to Bo's reply I just received while typing this.

But I do wonder - what is the point of a TNSnames if you have to manually
enter all of that same information in the first place?
With FME all I need to do is enter the SID and it magically works. I'll
open a feature request suggesting it be simplified.

Many Thanks for all the help folks!


On 25 September 2013 10:53, Duarte Carreira <dcarre...@edia.pt> wrote:

>  Does qgis use gdal to access oracle data?****
> ** **
> If it does you can try to use the osgeo4w console to try to connect with
> gdalinfo. See if that presents a clearer error. Maybe the oracle plugin is
> compiled against a different version of oracle…?****
> ** **
> If gdalinfo works, than you could create a .vrt that wraps the connection
> to your oracle spatial table. Try to open the .vrt in qgis… I have solved
> similar problems this way (dxf files wouldn’t load unless through a .vrt).
> ****
> ** **
> I have used process explorer before to find what dll is not being loaded
> or found… sometimes it worked sometimes it didn’t…****
> Just launch it and filter processes until you end up only with qgis
> related processes. You can find error messages like file not found and
> others.****
> ** **
> Duarte****
> ** **
> ** **
> *De:* Jonathan Moules [mailto:jonathanmou...@warwickshire.gov.uk]
> *Enviada:* quarta-feira, 25 de Setembro de 2013 10:33
> *Para:* Bob and Deb
> *Cc:* Duarte Carreira; qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> *Assunto:* Re: [Qgis-user] Oracle - QGIS connection****
> ** **
> Hi Bob,****
> Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately none of those things seems to have
> made a difference.****
> ** **
> I've now installed QGIS on a second machine, one that already has a
> working Oracle administrator install that various other applications are
> successfully using (i.e. FME). But QGIS on that machine has the exact same
> problem with the exact same failure mechanisms/errors.****
> ** **
> So the issue seems to be QGIS specific, but I don't know enough to be able
> to report it as a useful bug report.****
> ** **
> Cheers,****
> Jonathan****
> On 24 September 2013 18:14, Bob and Deb <bobd...@gmail.com> wrote:****
> Hello Jonathan,****
> ** **
> How about setting the environment variable ORACLE_HOME to
> c:\admin\apps\oracle32\product\11.2.0\client_1 and TNS_ADMIN to the
> location of the directory that contains tnsnames.ora?  That is what I did
> and it works fine.  In the past I also had to rename the oci.dll (or you
> can remove it) from c:\osgeo4w\bin because it conflicted with the oci.dll
> in %ORACLE_HOME%.  Btw, we are connecting to Oracle 11.2.0 using OS
> authentication.  ****
> ** **
> Bob****
> ** **
> On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Jonathan Moules <
> jonathanmou...@warwickshire.gov.uk> wrote:****
>   Hi Duarte,****
> Cunning, I'd not played with the Python console before.****
> ** **
> The QGIS path is the same as the system one, though with extra stuff
> pre-pended - Oracle is in there just fine:****
> ** **
> 'c:\Admin\Apps\Progs\QGISDU~1\apps\grass\grass-6.4.3\bin;c:\Admin\Apps\Progs\QGISDU~1\apps\msys\bin;c:\Admin\Apps\Progs\QGISDU~1\bin;
> *c:\admin\apps\oracle32\product\11.2.0\client_1\bin*;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;C:\windows\System32\Wbem;C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program
> Files (x86)\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\ActivIdentity\SecureLogin\;C:\Program
> Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common
> Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;c:\Admin\Apps\Progs\QGISDU~1\apps\msys\bin;c:\Admin\Apps\Progs\QGISDU~1\apps\Python27\Scripts;c:\Admin\Apps\Progs\QGISDU~1\apps\qgis\bin;c:\Admin\Apps\Progs\QGISDU~1\apps\grass\grass-6.4.3\lib'
> ****
>  ** **
> Trying TNS ping from within QGIS worked just fine too:****
> Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = wcctcp.world)
> (PROTOCOL = TCP) (Host = co-gistest-li2) (Port = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA =
> (SID = gistest) (GLOBAL_NAME = co_gistest.world)))
> OK (0 msec)****
>  ** **
> ----****
> ** **
> If I try and "cheat" and change my host from "co_gistest" to the actual
> machine name: "co-gistest-li2" - I get back an ORA-12514 instead where it
> says it doesn't know of the given host. But if I enter random gibberish it
> goes back to a ORA-12154.****
> ** **
> Very confusing (but it is Oracle).****
> ** **
> Jonathan****
> ** **
> ** **
> On 24 September 2013 17:28, Duarte Carreira <dcarre...@edia.pt> wrote:****
> Can you compare your path to what qgis is using?****
>  ****
> In python console type:****
> import os****
> os.environ["PATH"]****
>  ****
> It seems to me qgis is not finding your tns settings… your’re setting
> these up in tnsnames.ora?****
>  ****
> You can try tnsping from qgis and see what happens… try  print
> os.popen(“tnsping…”).read() in your python console…****
>  ****
> Duarte****
>  ****
> *De:* Jonathan Moules [mailto:jonathanmou...@warwickshire.gov.uk]
> *Enviada:* terça-feira, 24 de Setembro de 2013 17:16
> *Para:* Duarte Carreira
> *Cc:* qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org****
> *Assunto:* Re: [Qgis-user] Oracle - QGIS connection****
>  ****
> Hi Duarte,****
>  ****
> Yep it works fine:****
> sqlplus username/password@co_gistest****
>  ****
> Logs me straight in, and a trial select confirms I'm in.****
> It's just QGIS that is having issues.****
>  ****
> My PATH (this is windows) is:****
> c:\admin\apps\oracle32\product\11.2.0\client_1\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program
> Files (x86)\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\ActivIdentity\SecureLogin\****
>  ****
> Am very perplexed!****
> Cheers,****
> Jonathan****
> On 24 September 2013 17:05, Duarte Carreira <dcarre...@edia.pt> wrote:****
> It could be environmental variables messed up when launching qgis… does
> sqlplus work?****
>  ****
> Duarte****
>  ****
> *De:* Jonathan Moules [mailto:jonathanmou...@warwickshire.gov.uk]
> *Enviada:* terça-feira, 24 de Setembro de 2013 16:00
> *Para:* qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> *Assunto:* Re: [Qgis-user] Oracle - QGIS connection****
>  ****
> Hi List,****
> I've done a lot more dabbling and it simply refuses to work. I've now got
> to the point where I've installed the Administrator install of the Oracle
> client. Both QGIS and the client are 32bit. But no matter what I keep
> getting the Ora-12154 error.****
>  ****
> If I try tnsping, it can resolve the name just fine, so I'm not clear why
> it is failing with QGIS.****
> I don't remember what I did previously to get it working but I'm sure it
> wasn't anything like this much trouble.****
>  ****
> Anyone?****
> Thanks,****
> Jonathan****
>  ****
>  ****
> On 23 September 2013 12:56, Jonathan Moules <
> jonathanmou...@warwickshire.gov.uk> wrote:****
> Hi List,****
> This is happening in 2.0.1 too. As other things can connect to the
> database from this machine I have to guess that it is a QGIS thing. I know
> it worked previously but doesn't seem to any more.****
>  ****
> Does it work for other folks? What are you entering into the parameters?**
> **
>  ****
> Thanks,****
> Jonathan****
>  ****
>  ****
> On 28 August 2013 14:33, Jonathan Moules <
> jonathanmou...@warwickshire.gov.uk> wrote:****
> Anyone?****
> I'm using QGIS weekly build d61cb25 on windows 7.****
>  ****
> Thanks,****
> Jonathan****
>  ****
>  ****
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