
I am using QGIS 2.0.1. and I am testing the graphical modeler. It is a very
simple testmodel where I have got a vector layer with one integer table field.
 Then I use a 'select by attribute' operation, where I query all datasets which
are smaller or equal 16. The result consists of all datasets with values in
{0,1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,100}. A 'normal' query results in the expected range 0
- 16.

The model saved as python:
##Selektion Einwohner 2=name
outputs_0=Processing.runalg("qgis:selectbyattribute", vectorlayer_einwohner,
MyField, 5, 16, None)

Does anybody have an idea, where my model missunderstand me?

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