
No not negative at all, I appreciate the feedback and suspected the reasoning 
you explain below. Yes, E$RI (or shall I say E$$$$$RI) definitely has mucho 
dinero to crank out documentation. (Though, they did a horrible job when 
ArcObjects first came out). Yes, writing sure is time consuming! I work at a 
non-profit government research contractor where all work is project based, 
billable hours. They won't exactly let me spend weeks on learning QGIS and 
documenting (though, that would be a dream job!).

I am very impressed with QGIS 2.0 and the documentation that already exists. 
User Guide, Cookbook, The QGIS Training Manual (1.8) book by locate press, Gary 
Sherman's Geospatial Desktop book (it's what got me sucked into this OSGIS 
thing last spring), the searchable email lists, gis stackexchange, other 
tutorials on the web, blogs, etc.
I just think that an important missing component is PyQGIS documentation, but 
looks like Garry's upcoming book will fill that gap. There was even a recent 
post of a user saying about QgsLabel, "... documentation is missing or 

I like your quote about Linux, but I cannot believe nobody cares about the 
popularity of QGIS and doesn't care about people liking it and it's ease of 
use. Then why all the press? Why did Tim Sutton show the world wide users map 
in his FOSS4GEO presentation? Why the recent comment of a user telling us how 
impressed his audience was after showing off QGIS? Programmers must care 
somewhat about how their creation is being used and what others think about it, 
especially from users who are not programmers, which is the category many GIS 
professionals fall into. So in this case programmers are not really creating 
something just for other programmers to use exclusively, they have created 
something that is used by folks with many different backgrounds. The audience 
of these non-programmer users is there by default. Saw that a city's government 
was going to start using QGIS, they are not all programmers. QGIS is seeping 
into the mainstream and programmers must care and be happy to see this me
 asure of success.


-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Hohls [] 
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 6:16 AM
To:; Chrest, David
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] PyQGIS book in the works? Easier to understand online 
API Documentation?


You wrote "(You) just absolutely have to make user-friendly documentation about 
your product, especially the api you keep talking about."

I have been on the mailing lists of numerous open source projects over the 
years, and someone always raises this.  Why?  Well, its true.  However, asking 
and getting are two different things.  A commercial company will just hire 
someone and pay them.  A big company (E$RI) will hire someone really good and 
pay them accordingly. An open source project cannot do so.  It only happens if 
there is someone (or ones) who is  (a)  passionate about documentation, (b) 
knows the system very well and (c) has the spare time to write (and writing is 
very time consuming).  Sadly, this does not always happen.  In an open source 
project the primary goal is to solve Real Problems with Real Code; and that 
goal attracts programmers - who care about good code and not "user-friendly 
documentation" - and not so much documenters.  

Not wanting to be negative - just hoping to guide your expectations!


PS If you have the time, there is an interesting article on the differences 
between Linux and Windows (; section 
"Subproblem #3a: There is a culture" is of relevance here, as is "Problem #5: 
The myth of user-friendly".  My favourite quote from that article is "Linux is 
not interested in market share. Linux does not have customers. Linux does not 
have shareholders, or a responsibility to the bottom line. Linux was not 
created to make money. Linux does not have the goal of being the most popular 
and widespread OS on the planet."  My personal view is that QGIS is in a very 
similar position...

>>> "Chrest, David"  10/12/13 4:19 AM >>>
Thanks so much for the info Richard.
Gary's PyQGIS Programmers Guide looks like just what I was talking about. Glad 
to see this book will soon (hopefully) come out. Should be a great and fill a 
much needed void.

No, not being paid by ESRI :-)  I just know that the first thing people look 
for is god documentation about software. That alone can be the deciding factor 
before somebody looses interest or finds it too troublesome to work with. Make 
things so much easier to figure than going on a hunt every time you want to do 
something. Plenty of books out there on other free/OS software, especially by 
PACKT Publishing, would be great to see some more QGIS/PyQGIS materials out 
there (at least 250 pages, not just a white paper in disguise as a slender 

OK, so the big selling point I keep reading is that one can use python to write 
scripts, automate processes, write plugins, even a nice new python console, but 
there is no api docs for python? That seems very strange! Again, looks like 
Gary's upcoming book may fill the void. 

The Introduction in the PyQGIS Cookbook for 2.0 states: "There is a complete 
QGIS API reference that documents the classes from the QGIS libraries. Pythonic 
QGIS API is nearly identical to the API in C++." So I click the link but 
nothing tells me if am looking at the python api or the cpp api. Users will not 
care about the cpp api, we just want to know how to do all this cool python 
stuff. If it becomes a hassle or takes to long to figure out (people have 
clients, budgets, deadlines), then they will get turned off and go back to 
ArcGIS where everything is explained plainly nice and neatly. ESRI made a HUGE, 
monumental mistake when it first released ArcObjects with miniscule 
documentation. Loads of people were fuming. Took them 10 years to get things 
right again and thank goodness they went on the python path. A very talented 
programmer I work with here told me that it is well known programmers don't 
make the best writers. Just absolutely have to make user-friendly documentation 
  your product, especially the api you keep talking about.

David Chrest

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Duivenvoorde []
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 5:00 PM
To: Chrest, David;
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] PyQGIS book in the works? Easier to understand online 
API Documentation?

On 11-10-13 22:34, Chrest, David wrote:
> Are there plans for a detailed, written in a  you-don't-have-to-be 
> an-experienced-programmer kind of way book that helps explain PyQGIS 
> and how to use it?

I know Gary has plans:

> Python Scripting for ArcGIS by ..
> Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python ..

You are not being paid by them or esri are you ;-)

> friendly. Looks like it is written for someone who knows C++. See 
> What in world are Public

You are actually pointing to cpp API interface. Currently we do not have 
separate api docs for python.
I know Victor has been busy updating the Python cookbook:
That should be more informative for beginners?

BUT I also have to point you to the fact that QGIS is a community/volunteer 
driven project, always in need for people wanting to make the use of QGIS a 
better experience. Indeed most of us have a programming background, so please 
join the community as a documentation writer (OR pay some experienced doc 
writers to do it) :-)


Richard Duivenvoorde
Qgis-user mailing list

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