On 10-11-13 10:50, Zoltan Szecsei wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a shapefile open in QGis 2.0.1
> Is there a quicker way to select a graphic element (say a point) and
> edit/update its attributes?
> I am currently selecting the point, opening the attribute table,
> scrolling down until I see the hilighted row, editing the fields, then
> closing the attribute table and deselecting the feature.
> Seems a bit tedious so hopefully there is an easier way.

0) select the layer you want to edit attr from
1) put you layer in 'editable' mode
2) go to menu: /Settings/Options/Map Tools (on Linux, on windows not
sure. You have to have the general options dialog)
3) check the second checkbox: "Open feature from, if a single feature is
4) select the identify tool (i-tool)
5) now click on the feature you want to edit: a form will show in which
you can change the values of the attr, of THAT feature



Richard Duivenvoorde

ps (as an extra) in the properties dialog of the layer itself, you can
in the item 'Fields' even create your own form

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