> > So the solution I am dreaming of is:
> > 1) prepare a point vector layer with all nodes having unique IDs
> >     (e.g. Paris, Madrid, Berlin)
> > 2) have a table where all connecting lines are listed:
> >      big tube     , Paris,           , Berlin
> >      big tube2   , Madrid,        , Berlin
> >      big tube2   , Madrid,        , Paris
> > 
> > Then, a procedure would read the connections from the table and draw
> > automatically these connecting lines between the nodes.
> If you want straight lines between nodes, it is easy. Otherwise you would
> to state rules for making the lines between the nodes, and it can be
simple or 
> very complicated to automate according to the rules.
See my workflow in:

> Here is a PostGIS example of creating the edge geometry given to/from nodes :
> https://gist.github.com/vpicavet/7572293
Do you think that this could be done as well with non-server based storage
(shapefile, sqlite/spatialite)?

> This behaviour is transparent for a visualization client, QGIS for exemple.
Great. give me some time to test on it.

Thanks for your follow-up.

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