I found an explanation of RMSE from this GIS.se question, but not sure
how QGIS does it (I can't read source code yet =P)

An Explanation of RMSE for Dummies http://gis.stackexchange.com/a/77772/1297

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 2:54 AM, Wesley Roberts <jwesrobe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Qgis users,
> I have used the Georeferencer plugin in QGIS to undertake some image to
> image matching on a set of Landsat Images. I am using the output as part of
> a report and need some information about how the RMSE values are created and
> what they refer to. My Landsat imagery is in UTM 35S projection WGS84. The
> total RMSE values returned range from 0.04 to around 0.2. My question is as
> follows
> Where are the RMSE values measured from top-left, bottom-right, across the
> diagonal of the pixel? I cant seem to find any explanation of where these
> values are calculated from.
> Many thanks,
> Wesley
> --
> Dr Wesley Roberts
> jwesrobe...@gmail.com
> Cell: +27(0)83 5355 646
> skype: roberts-w
> I hear...I forget
> I see...and I remember
> I do...and I understand
> Ancient Chinese Proverb
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