Jonathan Moules <jonathanmoules@...> writes:

> Further testing indicates that the same (optimal) result can be had using
a combination of a vrt and gdal_translate without having to manually bother
with memory management.


I can confirm that question is in GDAL which by default considers four band
images as RGBA which is also documented in

The following gdal_merge command gives a good result when source bands are
in four separate tiff files and it is possible to select bands 1-2-3 for
natural colour or 4-2-1 for false colour infrared in QGIS. -separate -of GTiff -co photometric=rgb -co compress=jpeg 
-o fourband_rgb_jpeg.tif 1.tif 2.tif 3.tif 4.tif

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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