
just for clarification: in order to display a WMS layer the client (= QGIS desktop) sends a GetMap request to QGIS server. My idea was to get this request from the access log and issue it in the browser in order to see if the map is returned ok (= problem on the client side) or the map is returned all white (= problem in the GetMap request). The XML you mention is the server's answer on the GetCapabilities request sent by the client. But your error log indicates some missing drivers, however I am not an expert on raster or GDAL.



Am 16.01.2014 17:20, schrieb Peter Len:

Good point.  Well, for any request to get a project file, the error log lists 
these errors:

[Thu Jan 16 11:14:31 2014] [error] [client] Warning 1: Unable to find 
driver ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP environment variable.\r
[Thu Jan 16 11:14:31 2014] [error] [client] Warning 1: Unable to find 
driver ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP environment variable.\r
[Thu Jan 16 11:14:31 2014] [error] [client] Warning 1: Unable to find 
driver JP2ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP environment variable.\r
[Thu Jan 16 11:14:31 2014] [error] [client] Warning 1: Unable to find 
driver ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP environment variable.\r
[Thu Jan 16 11:14:31 2014] [error] [client] Warning 1: Unable to find 
driver JP2ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP environment variable.\r

Not sure if that has to do with the issue.  The access logs simply list the URL 
that was presented.  Not sure what you mean by loading the request in the 
browser and seeing if I get a map of a white page.  When I put the URL in the 
browser, I get the Service/Capability XML.  It doesn't try to display the map.  
I will look more at the XML to see it there is something in there that might 
indicate something.

- Peter

-----Original Message-----
From: Bernhard Ströbl<>
Sent: Jan 16, 2014 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS Server and qgs project files with ratser layers 


maybe a projection issue?
Check Apache's access log for the GetMap request. Issue this request in
the browser: do you get a map or all white?


Am 16.01.2014 15:56, schrieb Peter Len:
I finally was able to successfully install QGIS Server on my Windows 7 box.  
Not sure what version it is but it is from the lastest OSGeo4W installer.  The 
purpose for my installation was to see how QGIS Server made QGIS Desktop 
projects (QGS files) available over a WMS.  Using a URL like the following:


where I access the project file from a path to the file, I find that I can indeed see the 
various layers within that project file.  So, in essence, if I open my QGIS Desktop 
(v2.0.1) and go to "Add WMS/WMTS Layer" and add the URL listed above, it will 
list all of the layers of that project file (after hitting the Connect button).  When 
selecting layers to add to a new QGIS Project file, I find an oddity:

If the layer is a raster layer, it won't display at all on the map.  As a test, 
I used the URL
 to create a WMS layer in a new project.  It displays a world map just fine.  I 
save and close that project.  I then do a new WMS layer but now point the URL 
to my QGIS Server with the project file path of the project that was just 
created.  The result is that I can see the raster layer as an option to choose, 
but when I do, it does not get displayed on the map.

As per some other instructions I found, I checked the following two options 
when creating my WMS connection:

- Ignore GetMap URI reported in capabilities
- Ignore GetFeatureInfo URL reported in capabilities

Does anyone know why I cannot display the raster layers from the project file?

Thanks - Peter
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