On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Giacomo Fontanelli <
giacomofontanell...@gmail.com> wrote:

> dear community
> I'm gonna report a problem that I observed frequently. I have polygon
> shapefile, downloaded from the net, representing the path of a satellite. I
> think this shapefile derive from a .kml, but I'm not sure. This layer is
> WGS84 EPSG:4326.
> I have also a layer in UTM 32N (EPSG:32632).
> If I work with the on the fly projection I can see both the layers
> correctly reprojected and positioned in EPSG 32632 (this must be the
> reference system of my project), but once I deflag the on fly projection
> and I try to reproject the WGS84 layer (Vector>Define projection) in UTM 32
> N, the polygons are absolutely not overlayed.

Define projection is not the correct tool, it only sets the projection but
does not actually reproject the data.

Try "Save As" with the desired CRS, and a new file name. When you open that
new file in QGIS it will have the correct projection.

> If I start again the on the fly projectio I don't get any overlay, the
> only way to reach a good positioning is to reproject again the first layer
> in the native reference system (WGS84) and using the on the fly
> reprojection.
> My impression is thar QGIS doesn't correctly reproject the shapefiles
> coming from .kml, am I wrong?
> Thank you very much
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