Hi there

as I have no experience in programming I am really struggling at the moment...
would anyone help me to get the attributes user id or/and user name of an 
.osm-file with it into qgis?

unfortunately, I do not manage to install and run the GDAL OSM driver 
http://gdal.org/ogr/drv_osm.html which might be of big value for my problem's 

thank you very much!

Am 05.02.2014 um 16:41 schrieb Andre Joost:

> Am 05.02.2014 15:26, schrieb Jukka Rahkonen:
>> QGIS, GDAL and OSM users should also remember that there is an excellent
>> GDAL OSM driver http://gdal.org/ogr/drv_osm.html.
> You can use it by simply dragging the .osm file into the table of content.
> Another chance is to use the spatialite_osm_map tool.
> Unfortuantely, all these (and the standard osm2pgsl importer to Postgis) 
> strip of the osm user information during import by default.
> For the direct import with Add vector layer, you can edit the file ../QGIS 
> Dufour\share\gdal\osmconf.ini by editing
>> # common attributes
>> osm_id=yes
>> osm_version=yes
>> osm_timestamp=yes
>> osm_uid=yes
>> osm_user=yes
>> osm_changeset=yes
> for point, lines, multipolygons, multilinestrings and other_relations.
> For osm2pgsql, it is possible to add those columns by uncommenting the last 
> lines of the default style:
>> #node,way  osm_user       text
>> #node,way  osm_uid        text
>> #node,way  osm_version    text
>> #node,way  osm_timestamp  text
> HTH,
> André Joost
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