
The QGIS licence (and the licences of other software it uses, such as GDAL, 
PROJ.4, QT, etc) fully enable commercial use of the software.

You are free to sell the software, sell products you create with the software, 
or sell services you provide using the software. There are no restrictions on 
any such use.

The main difference in an Open Source licence from more restrictive ones is 
that if you do sell (provide in any way) the software, you must provide access 
to the source code as well as the compiled application.

You may be interested to know that ESRI has included the same GDAL libraries as 
QGIS in its commercial GIS products - no problems there.

I'm responsible for a custom version of QGIS which is used by several 
consultants in the same way you propose. 
(http://www.niwa.co.nz/software/quantum-map) This version is developed by QGIS 
developers - and is one approach they generate income from their work on QGIS.

Brent Wood

 From: Stipe Vrankovic <svranko...@gmail.com>
To: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org 
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2014 8:40 PM
Subject: [Qgis-user] QGIS for commercial usage


I'm working as land surveyor in geomatics 
company and I'm wondering is it possible to legally and free use QGIS 
for company commercial purposes? Thank you in advance!

Best regards!


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